søndag 11. april 2010

He doesn't see me

He doesn't see me
He just doesn't
I don't know if he doesn't want to
Or if he simply can't

But he doesn't see me

I'm right there
Right in front of him
Alive and breathing
And ready to be all he wants me to be

But he doesn't see me

I see him
I see everything about him
Even the tiny details
Like how he sips his drink
Or scraches his nose
How his voice booms when he's angry
And how his eyes sparkle when he smiles

But he doesn't see me

I notice how his lips move when he talks
How he kicks the ground when he's embaressed
How he he claps
How he sings

But he doesn't see me

I see him even when he's not there
I see possibilities
I wonder
I hope

But he doesn't see me

I see where this could go
Where I'd want it to go
How good it could be
How perfect we are

But none of that helps

Because he doesn't see me

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